The revolver, which was choose also because it was easier to be trained and handle with when compared with semi-autos, was intended to be issued to NCOs and/or rear guard soldiers (MPs, artillery officers, cavalry, etc.). An order for 25,000 M1917 revolvers for Smith & Wesson followed (another 25,000 Colts M1911A1 were also bought, but this is another story). 45 ACP ammo as the new caliber for the Armed Forces and went shopping.

Then in late 30s it was decided that, for logistical and strategic matters, the sidearm must be standardized. To make things worse, several minor purchasing of both original as well Spanish copies of Smith & Wesson MP revolvers had been made during the 20s.

In late 1930s, the standard sidearm of the Brazilian Army was the 7,65mm Luger pistol (in its “Model 1906” configuration) but most of the 5000 guns bought in 1908 were already worn out or had been transferred to State Law Enforcements.

I know these are not the "big deal" for most of you, but it really enjoyed this one, so allow me to bug you with my new toy.īy 1937 the Brazilian Armed Forces had started a weapons updating program - the first organized process of purchase modern equipment since 1910. Let me present you my newest purchase: the Brazilian Contract Smith & Wesson Model 1917 revolver.